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United fan taking on the 62 Miles In October challenge for CALM

Torquay United is backing one of its loyal supporters, Sean Pye, this October, as he takes on the 62 Miles In October challenge in order raise funds and awareness for Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) and their mission to unite the UK against suicide.

Every month, 28,000 calls come into CALM’s helpline, which equates to a call for help every 59 seconds.

With CALM spending already over 3.2 million minutes having potentially life-saving conversations with people who need them most, it’s an alarming fact that the demand for help is only getting bigger.

CALM is determined that no-one struggles alone, and with support generated via fundraising campaigns like Sean is partaking in, and with support from people like you, CALM can continue to run their helpline and smash the stigma around suicide.

Having supported the club all his adult life, Gulls superfan Sean outlined his reasons for getting involved this October.

“Last October, over 700 walkers raised more than £108,000, and that could help fund 13,500 potentially life-saving calls to the helpline.

“This is something very personal to me – every day in the UK we lose 18 people to suicide. So this year, I’ll be taking part in the same fundraiser. The campaign in for 62 miles, but I’m pushing myself for 100 miles. It may not seem like a lot, but I’m not very active, so it’s a great way for me to get out and keep fit, which helps your mental health in general, as well as supporting an amazing cause.”

Supporters can support Sean’s fundraising attempt via Facebook HERE, whilst any supporters that don’t have access to Facebook can find out more about the campaign and donate HERE

“By supporting this fundraising challenge, you’ll be helping CALM to reduce suicide rates in the UK,” adds Sean.

“I’ll be posting weekly updates to my fundraising page, so please think about supporting this, or at the very least, remember, always check in on your friends.

“It’s important to remind yourself that every day – not just today – your life matters. Even when things feel hopeless and dark, don’t give up.”

Best of luck Sean – we’re all right behind you!