Following Clarke Osborne’s statement confirming the intention to appoint an administrator,  the club wishes to update supporters.

The administrator’s role is to try and stop TUAFC being wound up (liquidated) by finding someone who will take the club on.

Administration doesn’t necessarily mean the end for a football club. In recent years, clubs such as Southampton and Huddersfield have entered administration Both clubs have come out of the other side of those financial difficulties and have enjoyed time back in the top flight recently.

We appreciate there are a lot of questions that supporters will have, and in order to assist the club will have a question and answer article which will be updated on a rolling basis, this will be live as soon as possible.

If you do have any questions regarding the administration process then please do not hesitate to email and we will forward these onto the administrators and the FAQ will be updated.

The administrators will work tirelessly to achieve a sale and new investment. If you are in a position where you feel you could invest singular or as part of a group then please contact the administrator.

What can our supporters do to assist?

Well yellow army we need your assistance more now than ever!

Please come and support your team, whether that is buying a match ticket, meal in the restaurant, replica kit, pint in gulls nest, sponsoring a game, support boots and laces during the week, or a donation to the club.

All money that the club raises from now on will be used solely for operational purposes to assist in the running of our club. Legal and administration fees will not be paid from the operational cashflow.

The staff and the players of this club need your support and togetherness, and by being together we stand the best chance of this football club of 125 years history finding new owners.

What better way to encourage investment into our club than for us to get Plainmoor rocking on Saturday for our game v Aveley, get behind the boys on the pitch and show the world how important our club is!!