TORQUAY United are today delighted to announce the appointment of Head Coach Gary Owers and Assistant Head Coach Martin Kuhl. Geoff Harrop, General Manager said: “We were very pleased with both the quality and quantity of applications we received, providing the enviable but time-consuming position of real choice. Gary and Martin emerged as our choice 

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Torquay United fans can let the travel club take the strain when it comes to travel to away fixtures. The travel club is arranged by Torquay United fans Mark Shepherd and Graham Riley. You can contact them for details on upcoming travel details and join them on Facebook here. If you haven’t travelled with the travel 

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1′ We’re away at Hayes Lane. #tufc 7′ Williams pressures McGinty as he deals with a long ball. United recover possession. #tufc 8′ Chorley should get his header on target as he meets a corner. #tufc 12′ Young free-kick into the box. Efete looks close to making contact but Gregory punches clear. #tufc 15′ United 

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