Everyone at Torquay United would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all supporters who have shown such generosity and support to the Club during the past 72 hours.
In particular, we would like to express our gratitude to each and every person that has helped boost the Club’s finances, whether it has been by purchasing match tickets, buying merchandise from our Club Shop, booking meals, sponsorship or mascot packages, or even making donations to the Club directly.
The kindness that is continuing to be shown during the Club’s hour of need is truly humbling, and we cannot thank you all enough. Although there is still a long way to go, the passion shown by our beloved Yellow Army gives us all increased hope for the future, as well as a determination to ensure there is a brighter future on the horizon for Torquay United.
Making Donations
Following enquiries from a number of supporters regarding where best to donate funds towards safeguarding Torquay United’s immediate future, it was decided to set up a designated PayPal donation account, which can be accessed HERE.
The generosity shown by our wonderful supporters in what is a testing period is hugely appreciated, and Torquay United AFC would like to reiterate than every single penny donated to our official PayPal donation page will only be used to ensure Torquay United’s essential operating costs are met.
How can I be sure my money is directly benefitting Torquay United AFC?
We are aware that a number of Independent supporters organisations and groups have also set up their own fundraising accounts in order to help to raise money for the Club, and for this we are extremely grateful. To ensure that these funds are also used to directly benefit TUAFC, we kindly request that all monies raised are then paid into our dedicated PayPal donation account.
Many supporters will have differing views on how Torquay United can be most successful in the future, and it should be stressed that when so much goodwill is being shown by so many individuals and groups, the Club does not wish to cause any upset or division. However, at the same time, we believe it is only right to inform supporters that the only way we can guarantee their money is used to help safeguard the Club’s future is by making their donations directly to the Club’s designated donation page HERE.
The Future
The Club will endeavour to keep all our supporters up to date as much as possible, and with this in mind, we will be continuously updating our FAQs page HERE with the most relevant and up-to-date information. Any supporters who have any questions not answered by this are advised to email yellowarmy@torquayunited.com
Once again, Yellow Army – thank you for your ongoing support.
Come On You Yellows!