Torquay United AFC would like to thank BNI Great Western (Newton Abbot) for sponsoring tomorrow’s game v Aveley.

This afternoon we welcome BNI Great Western (Newton Abbot) to Plainmoor asMatch Sponsors. BNI are described as ‘The world’s leading business networking and referral

With over 39 years of innovation, BNI has grown from a handful of friends in California to an international network with over 299,128 members. The company is built on a set of guiding principles which form the foundation on which members interact, conduct themselves and fulfil their goals.

BNI members, on average, increase business by 20% the first year. Their Great Western Chapter is a dynamic, committed group of business people who know how to refer business to each other, with the Chapter
having passed 3,020,516 GBP in the past 12 months. There are a number of benefits to joining as BNI provides a positive, supportive and structured environment for the development and exchange of quality business referrals, as well as:
– Increasing business prospects.
– Professional development.
– Great networking opportunites.
– Exclusive member resources

For further details about today’s Match Sponsors, please visit


For details regarding match sponsorship opportunities at Torquay United AFC please contact Commercial Manager Sharon Musker on 07949 005832 or email

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