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For the next two Friday’s in Boots & Laces their will be a Torquay Darts League Competition night, with both nights starting at 8:30pm.

Coming to Boots & Laces for the next two Friday night’s will be the Torbay Darts League Competition Nights, starting this Friday 20th January with the Pairs Competition. Entry for players registered in teams from the league will be £3 per pair, with the Singles Competition taking place 7 days later on Friday 27th January with entry for that at £2 per player, and once again is only for players registered to a team in the league. Both competitions start promptly at 8:30pm.

Come and watch some top quality darts and enjoy the action, or if you are a player and are thinking about joining a team, then why not come and chat to the members of teams in the league for all the information on the league and how to get involved.


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