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Torquay United AFC is delighted to announce its latest community partnership, as the Club joins forces with Men’s Mental Health Warriors.

Founded by local mental health advocate Paul Edmundson, MMH warriors are a self-help group for men aged 18+ who are struggling with their mental health, and with Torbay sadly having one of the highest suicide rates in the country, Paul has decided to call upon his own experience and struggles to help others throughout the Bay.

“I’ve suffered my whole life with borderline personality disorder, so I thought it would be great to give back from all those years of struggling and the many years of therapy, all the experience that I’ve gained, to set up a group for men, women and hopefully children, where they can all meet together in a nice safe space, offload, have a conversation with each other.

“Torbay was the highest in suicide rates in the whole country, and it’s only recently changed.  problem shared is a problem halved, but that’s still not going to get to the root of the problem, you do need professional therapy, psychologists, counsellors, etc, and that’s what I’m hoping to offer my groups, so if you attend, you can get private therapy sessions funded for free. They don’t have to put their hands in their pockets, because let’s get real, times are hard at the moment, people can’t afford therapy, and sadly if you’re leaning on the NHS, you’ll be waiting a long time.”

One of the key aspects to Paul’s drive to support those in struggle is not just to discuss individual problems, but also to plot a way to a brighter future, and he sees the new link-up with TUAFC as an important in raising awareness of this strategy.

“Predominantly I want to raise enough money and funding so people can get some private therapy and are not leaning on the NHS anymore. They don’t have the manpower or the funds, so sadly people are getting left, and suicides are at an all-time high. It’s not about running them down, because I think they’re amazing, and we’re very lucky to have them.

“Suicide is still the No.1 killer in men under 50, statistically 1 every 90 minutes in the UK someone takes their own life, 1 every 40 seconds around the world. They’re scary numbers so something has to change, and I’m going to do the best I can to assist and facilitate as best as I can in the interim.

“For local young men, Torquay United are the main Football Club in this area, and kids are going to be looking up to these guys. To see that they have anything to do with MMH Warriors – or any other mental health organisation is incredible, and is only going to spike their ears and interest to become curious and look into it themselves. It can only be win-win.”

With stereotypes of those struggling with mental health -particularly men- sadly still evident, MMH Warriors’ partnership with The Gulls will also help to break down those barriers, with the Club already working with the group on a number of exciting new initiatives for 2023.

“We all have Mental Health, some good, some bad, it’s in different areas, ages and sexes, across the board. Someone could come in who’s had a divorce, is struggling, and has depression and that could spiral into something else, or you could have what I have, a chronic disorder that you’re not going to get rid of, but you’ll learn to manage with different tools through therapy.

“I always refer to Tyson Fury, as Heavyweight Champion of the World – He’s 6 foot 9 inches tall, weighs 20 stone, is a multi-millionaire, and got the world at his feet. He suffers with bipolar, it brings him to his knees, he’s cried many times, and he openly admits his struggles and his attempts at suicide. If it can affect a man as powerful and successful as that, and he can step forward and try and help others through his struggles, then I need to do the same. That’s what inspired me.

“I doesn’t make you weak, it makes you a man if you can own up to your own issues and struggles and ask for help.”

TUAFC Head of Media and Supporters Liaison Officer Dominic Mee added:

“Unfortunately mental health remains a big problem, particularly locally, and therefore I’m delighted that the Club have embraced working with Paul to break down the stigmas surrounding mental health and plot a brighter way forward together.

“MMH Warriors have already done some fantastic work, and we’re really looking forward to working with them and playing a driving role in this. We already have a few exciting initiatives planned, and we look forward to revealing these in the very near future.

“It’s another example of a positive partnership with the Club, that will ultimately benefit the Bay and it’s residents.”


We’ll be bringing you more news about this fantastic new link-up over the coming weeks. In the meantime, to find out more about MMH Warriors, the current sessions they provide and the help that is available, check out their website HERE.


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